ESG in Action Public Markets

Integration of responsible investment best practices is reflected within our public markets division as it is across all our firm

Consistent with our investment policy we recognize the strict correlation between long-term performance of investments and the synergic effects of sustainability and active management of environmental, social and governance issues fully aligned among stakeholders.

For this reason, monitoring of ESG practices and KPIs at portfolio level is embedded in our research and investment decision process. Our analysis typically includes, but is not limited to business integrity, corporate governance and management, occupational and community health and safety, employment terms and labour standards, human capital development, diversity and equality, and environmental impact of operations which includes carbon footprint.

In line with our ESG in Action approach, applied across all our asset classes, we favour depth over breadth and we focus analysis on material issues for the company and its stakeholders, both pre-investment during due diligence and throughout the holding period. We engage with companies’ top management over these selected significant matters to assess improvement path implementation rather than simply monitoring status quo.